Poaching allows you to cook an egg without added fat.
Breakfast is essential if you want to be able to think clearly and concentrate in the morning. Eating breakfast also makes it less likely you will overeat later in the day and more likely you will consume enough of the essential vitamins and minerals. People who eat breakfast tend to have lower cholesterol, in part because they consume less cholesterol and fat during the day. A poached egg can be part of a healthy breakfast.
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A poached egg will provide you with 6 grams of protein for only 70 calories. Although the egg also contains 5 grams of fat, only 2 grams are saturated fat. The egg doesn't contain any carbohydrates, so for a complete breakfast you should add a serving of whole grains and some fruits or vegetables. Your brain relies on carbohydrates for fuel, so just eating a poached egg for breakfast won't give you enough energy, although it is better than eating nothing.
Consuming a poached egg for breakfast gives you a head start on meeting your vitamin and mineral requirements for the day. An egg provides you with 15 percent of the daily value for riboflavin, 10 percent of the daily value for phosphorus, 8 percent of the daily value for vitamin B-12 and smaller amounts of vitamin A, iron, zinc, folate, vitamin B-6 and thiamine.
Health Benefits
Eating a breakfast that contains eggs may be a better option than eating a carbohydrate-based breakfast, such as a bagel. A study published in October 2008 in the "International Journal of Obesity" found that participants who followed a low-calorie diet that involved eating two eggs for breakfast lost more weight than those who had a bagel breakfast that contained the same amount of calories. Another study, published in "Nutrition Research" in February 2010, found that when participants ate a breakfast containing eggs, they ate fewer calories throughout the day and had lower levels of both blood sugars and the hunger hormone ghrelin than when they ate a bagel breakfast. The higher levels of protein in eggs helps to keep you full longer so you don't eat as much later in the day.
Eggs are high in dietary cholesterol, with one poached egg containing 210 milligrams of cholesterol. This is about 70 percent of the recommended cholesterol limit of 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day for healthy individuals. The American Heart Association recommends people with high cholesterol or heart disease limit their cholesterol to less than 200 milligrams per day. However, even people with high cholesterol should be able to consume eggs for breakfast without detrimental effects, notes a study in "Nutrition Journal" published in 2010. Consuming two medium eggs or one-half cup of egg substitute daily for six weeks did not adversely affect participant's cholesterol levels. If you consume eggs for breakfast, stick with lower cholesterol options for the rest of the day.
People sometimes consume poached eggs while the yolks are still runny. For safety reasons, eggs should be cooked to 145 degrees Fahrenheit, since undercooked eggs might increase your risk for the food-borne illness salmonella. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends cooking your eggs until both the whites and the yolks are firm, since the yolks harden at a temperature of 149 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. This guarantees you have cooked your eggs at a high enough temperature to kill the bacteria that cause salmonella.
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