Παρασκευή 21 Ιουνίου 2013

Does Poor Nutrition Affect Your Skin?

Your skin plays an important role not only in how you look, but also in how you feel. Healthy skin maintains a proper barrier between your internal organs and your environment, keeping pathogens and other toxins out. While multiple factors, including your genetics, hygiene and other lifestyle habits, contribute to the health of your skin, poor nutrition has a detrimental effect on your skin tissue.
A poor diet might leave you more sensitive to sun damage and put you at greater risk for skin cancer.


Fat, which is an important component of your diet, plays an essential role in your skin's health. Your skin uses fat to form a waterproof barrier. Essential fatty acids contribute to skin health -- omega-6 fatty acids promote healthy skin growth, while omega-3 fatty acids help to prevent dry skin. A poor diet puts you at risk of an omega-3 fatty acid deficiency, and, as a result, you might notice skin and hair problems.


Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, maintains your skin's health. Together with vitamin E, it protects your skin cells from sun damage. Consuming vitamin C also helps you make collagen, a protein important for your skin's structure. A diet poor in vitamin C puts you at risk of developing scurvy, a condition that causes skin lesions. Vitamin D also helps maintain healthy skin. It controls the growth and development of cells in the deep layers of your skin and protects your skin from the sun's harmful rays. As a result, low vitamin D levels leave you more vulnerable to sun damage, negatively affecting the health of your skin. Men should consume 90 milligrams of vitamin C daily, and women should consume 75 milligrams. All adults need 15 micrograms of vitamin D each day, according to the Institute of Medicine.


Zinc deficiencies negatively impact your skin. Normal zinc levels help support healthy skin cell turnover, while zinc deficiency can cause abnormal skin pigmentation, lead to skin lesions and put you at risk of dermatitis. A deficiency also causes hair loss and stunts nail growth. Men need 11 milligrams of zinc daily, while women require 8 milligrams. A diet low in selenium -- an essential mineral involved in protecting your skin from the sun -- can also cause problematic skin conditions. Individuals suffering a selenium deficiency face a higher risk of skin cancer. Selenium deficiency can also slow hair growth, lead to hair loss and prevent normal skin cell development. Your diet should include 55 milligrams of selenium daily, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements.

Eating for Healthy Skin

Maintain a well-balanced diet to prevent nutrient deficiencies that affect your skin. Fruits and vegetables provide you with vitamin C, while fortified dairy products boost your intake of vitamin D. Add fatty fish, such as salmon or tuna, to your diet, because they provide beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamin D and selenium. Eat nuts for a skin-healthy snack rich in zinc, selenium and healthy unsaturated fat, including omega-3s. If you already suffer from a skin condition you think might be related to a nutrient deficiency, seek medical attention. Your doctor can determine the underlying cause and then recommend an appropriate treatment to complement a healthy diet.

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