Πέμπτη 20 Ιουνίου 2013

How to Create Clear Skin from the Inside Out…

Finding the Underlying Cause of Your Skin Symptoms

Our diet, hormones, immune system, digestive function and the elimination of bodily wastes are closely connected with our skin health.
Bacterial, viral and fungal infections within our bodies can create symptoms such as cold sores, acne, acne rosacea, tinea, athletes foot, eczema, psoriasis.
The current statistics are that 1 in 4 children have eczema. Research has shown the role of common dietary allergens in eczema and psoriasis. In a study of children with eczema which developed before 3 months of age, 64% were shown to have sensitivity to egg, cow’s milk and/or peanut.
Psoriasis has been tightly linked with gluten sensitivity, with research showing an 82% improvement in patients who removed gluten from their diet for 3 months.
Acne rosacea can be triggered by dietary factors such as hot and spicy foods.
Recent research has linked a high glycaemic load diet with acne.
80% of the world’s population has the Herpes simplex virus which causes cold sore breakouts. Once infected the virus remains latent in the nerve ganglia. Dietary and lifestyle factors such as stress, poor immune function and excessive consumption of refined dietary carbohydrates have been shown to reactivate the virus.

What Is The Key To Clear Skin?

Topical treatments, hormone replacements, antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory medications may only apply a short term solution, unless they are specifically addressing the internal drivers. They may not necessarily resolve the underlying problem in the long term.
Improving our body’s primary detoxification channels and immune function can help to resolve the symptoms and improve health for the long-term.
Investigating and addressing the internal drivers may reduce the risk of conditions such as such as acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis,  tinea, athletes foot, cold sores and herpes simplex, and more…

Discover the Gaps in Your Skin Care

Clear Skin is an empowering and educational guide developed by qualified Health Professionals who understand the complex scenarios that can affect skin health.
Clear Skin from the Inside Out has been written to fill in the gaps and provide insight, answers and understanding as to how our internal detoxification channels work and how these can affect our skin if they are not working properly.
This e-book holds the information and education to show us the way back to true health. By helping us to counteract the excess stresses and overload of our modern lifestyle, and returning our diet, digestive system and detoxification channels back to an optimal state.

Clear Skin From The Inside Out!

Learn how to Create Clearer Skin and a Healthy Glow
The best news is that it is easy once you know where to look. Start to investigate and address the specific cause of your skin symptoms to treat the underlying cause. You will gain valuable knowledge of your body’s natural processes to maintain a healthy skin.
Achieve long term skin solutions, and simultaneously improve your health.
Change your focus to the underlying internal causes and stop expensive and frustrating short term attempts by getting educated and empowered with the most effective way to create clear skin naturally.

Topical treatments verses internal treatments

News Flash! You can go to a lot of effort and expense using topical and cosmetic treatments to reduce your skin symptoms but they will be more effective once you have resolved the problem from within!
The exciting news is that you can learn how to work with your body’s natural detoxification channels to make sure that your skin care attempts are effective and efficient.
Many people have already been discovering the secrets of clear skin. They have resolved the issue from the inside out, and have the knowledge and freedom to eat, act and behave in a way that is supporting their body to eliminate toxins effectively and maintain a healthy glow.
Free Yourself from the Break Out Cycle
and Regain Your Confidence
They also have more energy and feel healthier than ever before. The results are noticed and admired by everyone around them. People are gravitating toward them and want to know the secret to their success.
This is the most scientifically advanced skin care strategy available, and the results can be tested and measured.
It is nutritionally balanced so as to provide perfect skin composition for you.

Have You Been Searching For a Solution to your Skin Concerns?

For the past four years I have worked with hundreds of people to demystify some of the most commonly outdated skin care beliefs.
People always say to me that if the acne breakouts were in other part of the body other than the face, that they could live with it. Or that there eczema is fine as long as they keep using topical treatments but as soon as they stop it comes back.
  • Do you feel that you have been desperately chasing for a cure, trying countless and continual topical applications to your skin to 'manage the condition'?
  • Do you feel so embarrassed by your skin condition it affects your social life and intimacy?
  • Do you feel that you punish yourself and your skin for its condition?
  • Have you spent a fortune on skin care products and treatment programs with limited success and tired of struggling with your skin but cannot seem to reach your desired goal?
There is so much confusing information; it’s easy to become overwhelmed and confused. Over the years we have been mislead by popular fads and products. One of the biggest mistakes we have made in the past is that we have focused on suppressing the symptoms rather investigating and addressing the cause. There is a huge difference!
The good news is that things have changed, and there are more scientifically proven methods for effective and sustainable clear skin!

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