How to Make Your Dreams Come True
Be specific about your dream. The first thing you need to do is to be specific about your dream, at least the one you want to work on now, the way to be very specific about your dreams is to write them in your dream journal
Turn your dream into a burning desire. You will need to turn your dream into a burning desire in your heart. A strong will to achieve your dreams boosts self-confidence and will aid you in pulling through some of the worst stages of life. The way to turn your dream into a burning desire is to believe that your dream is achievable and that you can achieve it.
- Once it has become a burning desire you are no longer to refer to it as a dream, because the very nature of a dream gives the impression that it is not real.
Turn your burning desires into goals. You then need to turn your burning desire into a goal. You had earlier turned your dream into a burning desire because you believe it can be done and that you can do it. But to actually turn it into a goal, you need to believe that you will do it. This kind of believing is based on your commitment that if it can be done then I can do it, and if I can do it then I will do it now. The thing about goals is they are time sensitive, so adding a time frame helps you to accept the fact that you are committed to doing it.
- Once you have turned your burning desire into a goal, you are no longer to call it a burning desire or a dream, it is now your goal in life, a goal that must be achieved by you.
Plan. Create a strategic plan of action. You will need to create a strategy for the accomplishment of your goals; this strategy is usually called a plan or a plan of action.
- There is no universal plan of action for everyone, each strategy depends on the person involve and the goals they wish to accomplish, because of this fact the key to creating your own working plan of action lies in you and you need to seek it out.
Take action now.Once you have turned your goals into a plan of action tailored after you, because its creation took your person into consideration, you need to take action and utilize every opportunity that will come your way.
- The way of the universe is that like attracts like and where there is a need, the universe seems to find a way of meeting those needs through opportunities. You need to be prepared for them as you take action on your plans to achieve your goals which will help you actualize your burning desire and make your dream a reality.
Set short-term goals. Divide your main goal into sub-divisions, and set time periods for achieving each of them.
Review your progress regularly. Review your progress regularly and check:
- If you have achieved your goals for that time period.
- If you still have a desire to follow your dream.
- If you have deviated from the path toward fulfilling your goal.
Knowledge;Knowing exactly what is your dream and accepting that is exactly what you want. (e.g => Knowing that you want good grades) Also learn about the law of attraction. This law states that what you focus all your attention to is what you will receive.
Visualization; Have a vivid picture in your mind or video of how your dream will be when you accomplish it. Tell yourself that you have already received it (this is focusing on your subconscious mind which is 5/6 of your thinking mind on your goal which will lead your inner reality to becoming a physical reality.
Be confident; Have no doubts in yourself what so ever,this will lead to reverse thinking which will surround you with negative energy and you will receive a corresponding negative result.
Meditate; Relax and calm your mind,soul and body. This will also help with step
Using the above steps and work towards your dream with all your focus,concentration and confidence. Your goal will become a reality sooner that you could have ever imagined.
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