How to Be Clever
Read up on the latest events, and local happenings. This will help you respond wittier, and more clever.
Study more. If you want to be appear clever then study general knowledge things. Then whilst watching quiz shows you can fire off answers quickly! People around you will think you're clever. Also, never fall into the trap of stopping your learning; learning is a lifelong activity that keeps you clever.
Correct your posture. This includes straightening your back, pushing your shoulders back, and lifting your head up. You will appear more confident, and that is important for people to respect you.
Talk to people who are knowledgeable and ask extra questions. The more curious you are about the world around you, the more you will learn and the more you will know. People who ask many insightful questions seem smart!
Remember things well. Memory recall is an important part of being clever. If your memory needs a brush up, do some memory improving exercises.
Participate in something new every now and then. Challenge yourself by doing things that are difficult and require you to think differently.
Sound confident in your comments and answers. People will most likely not question you.
Pay attention to your natural gestures. Try to get bad habits, and weird gestures out of your system. Look like your thinking, yet comfortable all the time.
- When you're brushing your teeth in the morning, try counting how many brush strokes you do. This will wake up your brain.
- Play this study/revision test game in front of a group. Provided no one else knows the answers, you will appear very smart.
- Make a timetable to guide you in revisions or reviews for tests.
- If you don't like to study, then make a game of it. Give yourself revision questions to test yourself to see if you have learned anything. If not, keep studying! Get someone else to read the revision questions when you are sure of yourself. The person asking the question will be impressed and think you are clever (especially if there are hard questions on Science, Philosophy, Ancient History etc).
- Do revision every morning, as this is a start of a fresh day.
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