Παρασκευή 2 Αυγούστου 2013

Back-to-School Beauty Splurges and Steals

Whether you're broke or flush with cash from your summer job, we've got a list of back-to-school beauty prep tips that will suit your budget.


1. Shape Your Brows

tame your eyebrows for back to schoolWell-groomed brows create a frame for your face - it's an instant way to look put-together.

Splurge: If your brows are looking bushy and you've got cash to spare, book a salon visit to get them shaped and styled.

Steal: Want to save your moolah? You can shape your brows yourself! Get started by pressing a warm, damp washcloth on brows for several seconds to soften the skin. Then use tweezers to pull out any stray hairs from beneath brows (never tweeze from above) and get those brows looking nice and neat.

Tips for DIY:

Follow the natural shape of your brows, plucking just a few hairs at a time, stepping back to check your reflection in between, and you're less likely to go overboard.

What if you've got sun-bleached brows that are barely there? Fill them in with a brow pencil in a shade close to your hair color. Make short, hair-like strokes with the tip of the pencil, for the most natural look.

Get Bronzed

bronzed skin with makeup or by spray tan


Bronzed skin is in - and you can get it whether you're rich, or not-so-rich.

Splurge: Love the look of sun-kissed skin, and got dough to spend? Make a detour past the tanning salon (aka Wrinkle City), and hit a specialty salon for a spray tan to give your skin a colour boost before school goes back.

Steal: Don't have the dollars for a salon spray? Try a DIY alternative. Exfoliate your body all-over in the shower, then apply a faux tanning cream. Tip: You don't have to spend extra cash on separate body and facial tanners! Just moisturize your face first, then apply a light layer of body tanner, blending well over the jawline. And remember to follow the package instructions carefully, for the best results.

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