Τρίτη 30 Ιουλίου 2013

28 tips to help you relax instantly

At home or at work
1. Sit still and focus on your breathing. Inhale slowly and deeply for eight seconds, then exhale slowly for eight seconds. Repeat this five or six times. It helps bring more oxygen to the brain.
2. Stretch. With your chin down, slowly roll your head from shoulder to shoulder. 
3. Make faces (try immitating Jim Carrey) in a mirror to stretch out tense facial muscles -- and provide a good laugh, too!
4. Be optimistic. Think of ways to turn difficulties into opportunities.
5. Count your blessings. Make a list of everything you're grateful for (and keep it handy for your next bout).
6. Find a stress-free sanctuary. Go to a spot where you can find some peace and privacy, even if it's a bathroom stall.
7. Go for a walk around the block.
8. Visualize. Breathe deeply and think of a place that gives you comfort: a private beach, a garden, a cozy room.
9. Turn off the ringer on your phone.
10. Have a banana. It'll boost your energy and replace potassium, which is depleted quickly during times of distress.
With the kids
11. Cloud-watch. Looking for interesting patterns together will calm you both.
12. Stretch together.
13. Let them brush your hair. While they play, you'll get a scalp massage.
14. Hug.
15. Gently massage your child's shoulders or feet, then let her massage yours.
16. Have a stock of activities that you know will keep your child occupied for a few minutes while you sip some tea.Tips for stress relief

How to Be Honest with Yourself


  1. 1
    Choose a focus for your introspection. Good ones include goals, career, money, family, spirituality, and love.

  2. 2
    Set some time aside for yourself. Get up earlier or later than your family, or find a quiet space where you can sit and think. Some people think better while doing some other simple task (such as laundry) or while walking. Find out what works for you.

  3. 3
    Take stock. What is your life all about? What is your purpose in it? What are you good at? What could you improve?

  4. 4
    Be objective. Self-reflection and assessment can be a very emotional matter, but try to be detached.

  5. 5
    Be specific. What have you accomplished, why did you do it? What would you like to accomplish? What bothers you? Why does it bother you? What do you like about yourself?

  6. 6
    Keep things in perspective. So you haven't won your Nobel Peace Prize yet. Neither have most of the rest of us. You're only human, and nobody, including yourself, should expect perfection of you.

  7. 7
    Write things down. Putting something in words helps you to be specific. You can write in whatever way you feel comfortable expressing yourself, be it lists, notes, cartoons, drawings, or maps. If you're not a writer, consider talking into a tape recorder or recording your thoughts some other way.

  8. 8
    Consider the good and the bad, both. One way businesses do this is with a "SWOT" diagram. Take four pages or sections of a page and write in them the following

    • Strengths. What are you best at? What do you love doing and do just for the passion of it? What do others compliment you on or tell you you're good at? Once you have these listed, consider how you can make them even better, or use them to your advantage.
    • Weaknesses. What do you dislike? What doesn't work too well for you? Focusing on the negative can put things into perspective. Once you have listed your weaknesses, you can choose whether to try to improve upon these areas or let them go. If it matters that you're not a strong swimmer, make plans to improve. If not, at least you know your limitations and can stay in the shallow end of the pool.
    • Opportunities. These may go hand in hand with your strengths. At a personal level, an opportunity isn't just the potential to make money. Rather, consider where you could make a difference, satisfy your own needs (for instance, to create), or simply improve yourself. Opportunities could be based on how you could use your strengths or how you could improve upon your weaknesses.
    • Threats. What could undermine those opportunities, derail your hopes or sidetrack your success, whatever you define those to be? The purpose for listing these is twofold. First, identifying them allows you to see them more clearly. The known is less threatening than the unknown. Second, it allows you to address those risks. Some risks are beyond our control, but many can be lessened or at least planned for.
  9. 9
    Have an audience, if you are comfortable doing so. Find somebody to talk to. You'll feel really silly saying things that are not true out loud. If you're not yet comfortable talking to a person, choose a pet or stuffed animal, instead.

  10. 10
    Ask friends whom you trust how they see you. Seeing yourself honestly is not always easy, and an honest assessment by somebody outside can help you to know if your personal assessment of yourself is reasonable.

  11. 11
    Write a list of all the things you would like to do in the next five years, ten years, or before you die. Don't filter things out yet, just write as fast as you can think of things. If you prefer, write the list focusing on a particular aspect or question in your life.

  12. 12
    Ask yourself questions, and answer them in lists, essays, or however you see fit. Here are some examples:

    • What is important in my life and what is simply dragging me down?
    • What would I change about my life?
    • Which individuals contribute to my happiness and which do not?
  13. 13
    Commit to making a change. Tell yourself, it's my life, and if I am to remain happy and healthy, I alone must decide what stays and what goes.

  14. 14
    Don't beat around the bush. Tell yourself the truth, even if the truth is bad. Remember that saying things that are true will help you fix them. Although sometimes it's hard to self analyze, admitting to yourself that you are jealous of someone is better than trying to deny it. The truth may make you miserable at first, but later it will set you free.

  15. 15
    Set goals. See the related wikiHows for details.

  16. 16
    Take action. Put your plan in motion, confident that you are moving toward what you really want. Actions speak louder than words, so acting upon what you discover about yourself is a big part of being honest.

How to Not Be Annoying


  1. 1
    Build self confidence. Sometimes someone will find you annoying because you happen to do something that they associate with a negative trait, such as anxiety, stereotypes, or slovenliness. You shouldn't have to change something about yourself just because someone interprets your behavior inaccurately (presuming it is an inaccurate judgment). But other times, we can be annoying because we're insecure or we're trying too hard. In such cases, you can examine why you do certain things and perhaps realize that the only reason you're doing them is to make a good impression, and it's backfiring on you!

  2. 2
    Break counterproductive habits. Let's say you've found that you laugh loudly at everyone's jokes, even if they're not all that funny, or perhaps you've gotten in the habit oflaughing at inappropriate times. Maybe you started doing it subconsciously because you thought being jubilant and quick to laugh made you more likable, but now all it's doing is annoying everyone you spend time with. Try a different approach - be genuine and be yourself. If people find you annoying when you're being true to yourself, then you need to find new, more accepting people to be around.

  3. 3
    Respect boundaries. Everybody has boundaries - you need to learn what they are and try to avoid crossing them. Boundaries vary widely from culture to culture and even from individual to individual.

    • Do not go around poking people constantly. In fact, don't touch them at all if they don't like it. Of course if they are a good friend of yours and they don't mind, then by all means have fun. Otherwise, keep your hands to yourself.
    • Don't talk about people behind their backs; especially if you have not stated your issue with the person in the first place. This is especially true of those who are related to you, or are your friends or significant other.
    • Do not impose, or appear uninvited. Try to control your emotions and not be too pushy. Give people space when they need it. Don't call every single day. Remember, the greatest form of annoyance is repetition.
    • Do not go through people's stuff. Even if their things are not private, they may still feel violated if you touch things that are in their personal space. If you wish to borrow something, ask for permission first and allow the person to give the item to you.
    • Mind your own business. Avoid butting into a conversation by (for example) saying, "What are you talking about?" If you hear someone talking about something with another person, and you only catch the last sentence, leave it be.
  4. 4
    Be humble. Just because you're confident doesn't mean you have to act like you're better than anyone else. Don't do or say things that might let you appear to be arrogant, like bragging about your wealth or success.

    • Don't correct bad grammar/spelling or inaccuracies of others because most people don't like being corrected.
    • Don't tell people that their beliefs are wrong. Gently and nicely mention that you disagree. Have a clear moral line and stand by it. For instance, all is fair until you cause harm to another person. Yours may vary, but try to make sure it's used across the board.
    • Don't complain all the time. Remember the world does not revolve around you. If you complain too much, others will find you depressing and avoid you. This also goes for constantly insulting yourself, which is not humble - it's another form of self-absorption. It's normal to feel bad once in a while, and to express your discontent. But, you also need to know when to get over it and move on. Read up on how to be optimistic.
    • Be mindful of how the things you say are perceived by others. Even if your words are thoughtful and important, your tone of voice may indicate frustration, crankiness, or a condescending attitude, or flippancy or arrogance or any number of things which give folks the wrong impression and causes them to hate your guts.
  5. 5
    Learn to listen. Conversation is a two way street. If you're talking constantly, others will get frustrated and quit trying to communicate with you. As a general rule, always listen more than you speak. Think about what you say before you say it. Avoid interrupting someone in the middle of a thought, even if it just jogged your memory of something to say. Remember the famous quotation, "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt".

  6. 6
    Be conscious of your surroundings. Be aware if you are standing in doorways while having a conversation, standing in the middle of an area where people are trying to walk (in stores, malls, or the airport), or if your children are being obnoxious in a public place. Also, do not loudly sing or play music which others are likely to find irritating. Consider how your actions are likely to affect the people around you, and you will gain their respect.

  7. 7
    Be polite and hygienic. Don't peek down people's shirts for instance, don't pass gas, don’t talk about biological functions in public. Cover your nose and mouth with your elbow when you sneeze or cough. Take care to brush and/or floss after meals so as not to inflict your breath on others. Take a shower everyday and put on clean clothes every day.

  8. 8
    Learn to read facial reactions and body movements. Pay attention to the facial expressions and body language of those around you and work to immediately identify and stop whatever you're doing that is annoying others.

  9. 9
    Don't overcrowd. When someone's having a bad day, don't try to hang around them to make them feel better (unless of course they ask). If you were having a bad day, you wouldn't want someone bugging you with failing attempts at pick-me-ups. Ask if they would like your reassurance, but remember that "no" means "no". Only talk about what is bugging them if they bring it up.

  10. 10
    Avoid unnecessary repetition. Constantly repeating the same action over and over again (such as making inappropriate sounds or pulling someone's hair, etc.), isn't the right way of 'getting attention'. If a person says 'stop', that means 'stop'. If you continue without stopping, you might lose a friend.

    • Don't copy people. If you copy someone they just get annoyed and walk away. You shouldn't copy your friends either because you could risk losing them.
    • Say it once. Don't say the thing you said twice because they would say, "I heard you" or "OKAY!" or something like that. It can get annoying to them. They heard it already; they don't want to hear it again.
    • Don't make repetitive noises. If you find yourself tapping your pencil on the table, chewing ice with your mouth open, tapping your foot against something, clearing your throat excessively, coughing, please stop.
  11. 11
    Don't argue. Most people dislike arguing. Simply state that you disagree and refrain from setting yourself up as an expert on the subject. A "know-it-all" stance grates on peoples' nerves. Of course, you can have intelligent debates/discussions with a person/people provided the circumstances are appropriate and the other person is willing to engage. Never force someone into a debate. If someone tells you that they would rather not discuss a topic, drop it.

Δευτέρα 29 Ιουλίου 2013

13 Sensational Short Hairstyles for Long Faces

Well Rounded

The silhouette of this style balances a long face by giving it an overall rounded feel.
Well Rounded Smooth Face Framing Brunette Bob Front View
Well Rounded Smooth Face Framing Brunette Bob
How To Style:
1. Apply a styling product to clean damp hair.
2. Elevate sections of hair on the sides of the head with a large round brush while blow drying. This will create volume on the sides of the head.
3. Blow dry the rest of the head with the least amount of elevation as possible.
4. Apply a serum for shine.
Recommended Products:
Quick Slip by Paul Mitchell will provide flexible hold for this style, speed up drying time and condition the hair.
Best Face Shapes & Hair Types:
This style will look good on all face shapes and all hair types.

Flip Out Gorgeous

Flipping out layers of hair is very flattering for longer face shapes. It adds width to the overall look.
Flip Out Gorgeous Layered Auburn Style with Side Flip

Flip Out Gorgeous Layered Auburn Style with Side Flip Back View
How To Style:
1. Apply a styling product to clean damp hair.
2. Blow dry sections of hair with a medium round brush, flipping the ends out.
3. Flip the ends of the layers more using a flat iron or a curling iron.
4. Apply a serum for shine.
Recommended Products:
Fast Form by Paul Mitchell will allow hair to follow the shape of a round brush, making it easier to flip hair out.
Best Face Shapes & Hair Types:
This style looks great on longer face shapes. Fine to medium hair will work best with this style.

Chic Asymmetry

Go seriously stylish and modern with this asymmetric cut. The way the longer side of the style is cut gives a narrow face the appearance of more width.  The other side is short, but is still able to add minimal volume to the side of the face.
Chic Asymmetry Layered Brunette Asymmetric Cut

Chic Asymmetry Layered Brunette Asymmetric Cut Choppy Side Layers
How To Style: 
1. Apply a styling product to clean damp hair.
2. Elevate sections of hair on the longer side with a large round brush while blow drying. Do not include the hair on top of the head.
3. Blow dry the rest of the head with a styling brush using the least amount of elevation as possible.
4. Smooth sections of hair on the top of the head with a flat iron.
5. Apply a product for texture.
Recommended Products:
Spray Wax by Paul Mitchell is basically wax in a spray can. Being able to spray it allows an even and controlled distribution.
Best Face Shapes & Hair Types:
All face shapes and hair types will look fabulous in this asymmetric style.

Eye Highlighter

A blunt horizontal fringe covers the forehead and makes a longer face appear shorter. Having a horizontal line on the face gives the illusion of width, balancing the face shape.
Eye Highlighter Lovely Smooth Bob with Bangs
How To Style:
1. Apply a styling product to clean damp hair.
2.Using a styling brush, blow dry the fringe from side to side to get rid of any cowlicks.
3. Elevate sections of hair on the sides of the head with a large round brush while blow drying. This will create volume on the sides of the head.
4. Blow dry the rest of the head with the least amount of elevation as possible.
5. Apply a serum for shine.
Recommended Products: 
A small amount of Gloss Drops by Paul Mitchell on dry hair goes along way. It gives the hair tons of shine and gets rid of frizz.
Best Face Shapes & Hair Types:
Oblong, oval and heart shaped faces will look great in this eye highlighting style. All hair types will look amazing in this.


Color placement can really help to flatter different face shapes. The placement of this ombre is perfect for longer faces. The darker color is almost only on the top of the head. This makes the top look flatter therefore preventing the face from looking any longer than it is. The lighter color is located on the sides of the face, giving it and illusion of volume and width. The curls give the style an even more width.
Ombre Medium Brown Style with Curls
How To Style:
1. Apply a thermal protection spray to clean dry hair.
2. Using a large barrel iron, curl sections of hair in random directions.
3. Use a flexible hold spray to set the style.
Recommended Products:
Hold Me Tight by Paul Mitchell gives long-lasting hold without the crunchy look and feel.
Best Face Shapes & Hair Types:
Longer face shapes with any hair type will look like a million bucks in this color, cut and style.

Platinum Texture

Adding texture to straight hair prevents it from looking too straight. Vertical lines on the sides of the face give the illusion of length, therefore lengthening the face even more. A side part and some texture help add some width to the look.
Platinum Texture Fun Piecey Blonde Choppy Style

Platinum Texture Fun Piecey Blonde Choppy Style Side View
How To Style:
1. Apply a styling product to clean damp hair.
2. Elevate sections of hair on the sides of the head with a large round brush while blow drying.
3. Blow dry the rest of the head with the least amount of elevation as possible.
4. Using a flat iron, make the ends of random pieces of hair slightly flip out.
5. Apply a product for texture.
Recommended Products:
Create flexible texture with Paul Mitchell’s Spray Wax.
Best Face Shapes & Hair Types:
This style will flatter all face shapes with any hair types.

Fringed Crop

Really short hairstyles are not usually recommended for longer face shapes. If you do want to try it out, make sure to minimize the volume on the top of the head.  This will prevent the face from looking any longer than it already is. Wearing a heavy fringe will cover the forehead and make the face look shorter.
Fringed Crop Messy Easy Straight Style

Fringed Crop Messy Easy Straight Style Back View
How To Style:
1. Apply a styling product to wet hair.
2. Using a styling brush, blow dry the hair from side to side to get rid of any unusual growth patterns.
3. Blow dry the rest of the hair with your fingers.
4. Apply a product for texture.
Recommended Products:
Paul Mitchell’s Construction Paste is a mesh styler that delivers flexible hold and definition.
Best Face Shapes & Hair Types:
Long and heart shaped faces with fine to medium hair will look great in this style.

Baby Blonde Bob

This chin length bob is widest at the middle of face. This makes a narrow face appear more oval.
Medium Blonde Bob with Sideswept Bangs

Medium Blonde Bob with Sideswept Bangs Tapered Back
How To Style:
1. Apply a styling product to clean damp hair.
2. Elevate sections of hair on the sides of the head with a large round brush while blow drying. This will create volume on the sides of the head.
3. Blow dry the rest of the head with the least amount of elevation as possible.
4. Apply a serum for shine.
Recommended Products:
Styling Treatment Oil from Paul Mitchell’s Awapuhi Wild Ginger line gives shine without weighing the hair down. It also makes the hair healthier with every use.
Best Face Shapes & Hair Types:
This style looks good on everyone!

A-Line Bob

Longer faces should avoid super short cuts as much as possible. If you want to get the feel of a really short cut without removing too much length around the face, try a triangle graduation. A triangle graduation, more popularly known as an a-line bob, is shorter in the back and longer in the front.
A Line Bob Smooth Face Framing Look

A Line Bob Smooth Face Framing Look Tapered Front
How To Style:
1. Apply a styling product to clean damp hair.
2. Blow dry the shorter hairs under the occipital bone with a styling brush from side to side. Doing so will allow the graduation to lay better.
3.  Elevate sections of hair on the sides of the head with a large round brush while blow drying. This will create volume on the sides of the head.
4. Blow dry the rest of the head with the least amount of elevation as possible.
5. Apply a serum for shine.
Recommended Products:
For fine hair, like the model’s, try Paul Mitchell’s Thicken Up. It will make each strand of hair feel and look thicker.
Best Face Shapes & Hair Types:
This style looks great on all face shapes and hair types.

Curl Away

The curls of this style add width to the face. The haircut allows the curls to be widest by the cheekbones, giving a narrow face the illusion of being more oval. The dramatic swooped fringe covers the forehead and makes the face look shorter. Having the angle of the fringe more horizontal than vertical makes the face look wider. Minimal volume on top of the head keeps the overall look from looking any longer.
Medium Red Style with Curls and Layers

Medium Red Style with Curls and Layers Side View
How To Style:
1. Apply a heat protection spray to clean and damp hair.
2. Using a medium barrel iron, curl sections of hair away from the face.
3. Set the style with a flexible hold spray.
Recommended Products:
Heat Seal by Paul Mitchell is a thermal protection spray that gives a touchable, flexible hold.
Best Face Shapes & Hair Types:
Long face shapes with any hair type will look great in this style. Round face shapes should avoid this style.

Born To Be Fab

People with naturally curly hair usually worry about their hair expanding on the sides too much when they get their hair layered. If you have a longer face shape, this will actually work to your advantage. Having hair wider on the sides and flatter on top will balance a longer face shape and make it appear more oval.
Born to be Fab Light Blonde Curly Look with Volume for Long Faces
How To Style:
1. Apply a curl enhancing product to wet hair.
2. Twist sections of hair in the direction of how they naturally curl.
3. Diffuse hair.
4. Scrunch a pomade into the hair.
Recommended Products:
Twirl Around is a crunch-free curl definer by Paul Mitchell. Its combination of gel and conditioner gives curly hair what it needs most: moisture and hold.
Best Face Shapes & Hair Types:
Long face shapes with naturally curly hair will look best with this style.

Fringe Braid

This fun style is perfect for longer face shapes because it’s all about width. The curls to the sides of the face create width while the braid covering the forehead makes the face appear shorter. The horizontal line created by the braid across the forehead beautifully creates the illusion of width.
Fringe Braid High Volume Medium Style with Funky Front Braid

Fringe Braid High Volume Medium Style with Funky Front Braid Side View
How To Style:
1. Braid the hair on top of the head over the forehead. Treat one side of the braid like a French braid and treat the other like a regular braid.
2. Secure with an elastic band.
3. With a large barrel iron, curl the rest of the hair away from the face.
4. Pin the extended braid underneath the curls.
5. Smooth flyaways and set the style with a hairspray.
Recommended Products:
Paul Mitchell’s Soft Spray gives a style a natural, touchable finish. It is perfect for smoothing flyaways and for detailing the style.
Best Face Shapes & Hair Types:
The widening effect of this style makes it look best on longer face shapes with medium to thick hair.

Sassy Red

This style may have some volume on the top of the head, but it has enough volume of the sides to make it more wide than it is long. The swooped fringe covering majority of the forehead makes the face look shorter. The angle of the fringe being more horizontal than vertical gives the illusion of width for the face.
Sassy Red High Volume Curly Style with Long Front Pieces

Sassy Red High Volume Curly Style with Long Front Pieces View 2
How To Style:
1. Apply a salt spray to clean dry hair.
2. Power dry with a blow dryer.
3. Using a medium barrel iron, curl sections of hair in random directions.
4. Scrunch a high shine pomade into the hair.
Recommended Products:
Texturizing Sea Spray by Paul Mitchell’s Awapuhi Wild Ginger line will give the hair a great textured foundation for curling.
Best Face Shapes & Hair Types:
This voluminous style will look best on longer face shapes with medium hair.

Retro Beauty

The minimal volume on the top of the head  and the width created by the curls on this beautiful classic style makes it a perfect look for longer face shapes.
Retro Beauty Classic Style with Curls and Side Part

Retro Beauty Classic Style with Curls and Side Part Back View
How To Style:
1. Apply a heat protection to clean dry hair.
2. Curl all sections of hair, except for the fringe area, towards the face.
3. Curl the fringe away from the face.
4. Set the style with your favorite hairspray.
Recommended Products:
Paul Mitchell’s Extra-Body Finishing Spray will secure your look all day and add shine to it.
Best Face Shapes & Hair Types:
All face shapes and hair types will look amazing in this classic style.
Contrary to popular belief, there are so many short hairstyles that flatter a long face. No matter what length you are going for, just remember that the goal is simply to make the face appear wider. Have fun!

Read more at http://www.latest-hairstyles.com/short/long-faces.html#1GeVM937aiOs3TcI.99