Σάββατο 27 Ιουλίου 2013

How to Have a Clear Skin Using Home Remedies


  1. 1
    To lighten dark spots and acne marks, dab on fresh squeezed lemon juice, or apply organic grass-fed yogurt to your entire face and neck (leave on for 10 min­utes) to lighten and brighten your skin.

  2. 2
    Pre­vent and elim­i­nate black­heads, dry skin, and give your skin a dewy look just by drink­ing at least 2 liters (1/2 gal­lon) of fil­tered water per day – sounds like a lot, but it will do the trick!

  3. 3
    Speak­ing of water, fil­ter your shower and sink water so you’re not dump­ing chlo­rine and chem­i­cals on your skin and hair – you’ll end up with soft skin and health­ier hair, and if you have asthma and aller­gies, it may help with that too.

  4. 4
    Use a lotion mask nightly (or in the morn­ing before apply­ing makeup), for a beau­ti­fully mois­tur­ized and glow­ing com­plex­ion.

  5. 5
    To heal a pim­ple quickly, apply 100% tea tree oil with a cot­ton swab directly onto the pim­ple every few hours, and apply vit­a­min E oil on the spot at night, about 1 hour before bedtime.

  6. 6
    Give your­self a glow, shrink pores, give your skin an antiox­i­dant burst, and even out skin tone with some cham­pagne and a cot­ton ball.

  7. 7
    Pre­vent pim­ples and keep your skin smooth with gly­colic acid from a sugar scrub – mix organic cane sugar with your face or body wash in the palm of your hand, or try my DIY sim­ple scrub

  8. 8
    Whiten your teeth by brush­ing with straight bak­ing soda (you can add some xyl­i­tol for a bet­ter taste – it’s a sweet­ener derived from birch trees)

  9. 9
    For a quick glow, apply a few drops of olive, coconut, or jojoba oil to the tops of your cheek­bones and your brow­bones (where you would apply high­lighter or shim­mer cream).

  10. 10
    Take a qual­ity vit­a­min C sup­ple­ment to pre­vent early aging and help your body pro­duce col­la­gen.

  11. 11
    Keep your skin sup­ple and smooth by sup­ple­ment­ing with fish oil.

  12. 12
    Eat 1 cup of leafy greens daily (prefer­ably steamed, juiced, or blended for best diges­tion) to keep your com­plex­ion clear and under-eye cir­cles at bay.

  13. 13
    You can use sugar exter­nally, but avoid eat­ing it since it can cause break­outs (not to men­tion headaches and mood swings) – use raw honey, ste­via, or xyl­i­tol instead.

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